Report clears “climategate” scientists

There have been a few blog posts about the report by Sir Muir Russell into the so-called “climategate” affair. (This controversy has gone over the horizon somewhat; it all happened last November when email messages that were hacked into from the university...

Historic Clean Air Act petition

The Center for Biological Diversity and filed an historic Clean Air Act petition with the EPA today asking the agency to scientifically determine the safe atmospheric CO2 level, just as its does with six other pollutants judged to endanger to human health and...

November 2009 highlights

Past climate anomalies explained Lead paragraphs from the BBC story: “Unusually warm and cold periods in Earth’s pre-industrial climate history are linked to how the oceans responded to temperature changes, say scientists. The researchers focused...

March 2009 highlights

How many tonnes of GHG emisisons do Victoria’s coal-fired power stations release each week? The answer? “The average weekly emissions from coal-fired power stations [in Victoria] was 1.236 MILLION tonnes.” With a population of 5.34 million (at the...