Apr 9, 2023 | Carbon offsets, Environmental law, Methane, National campaigns, No category, Safeguard Mechanism
Heavy emitters to be pulled into line: Back in January this year, with the Federal Coalition dealing themselves out of negotiations, with the fossil fuel industries ramping up pressure that ‘we need to develop more gas’, and with conservative media outlets...
Jul 6, 2022 | Gas, Methane, State climate policy
Summary Although the Victorian Gas Substitution Roadmap (VGSR) creates an expectation that Victoria will move away from fossil gas, the limited measures proposed fall short of what is needed to move Victoria, the heaviest gas-using state, away from gas at a speed that...
May 30, 2021 | Climate Damage, Gas, Greenhouse gas, Methane, Video/Audio link included
Natural gas is not a clean option The 29 May episode of the Science Show on Radio National features Peter Newman, Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University. “Natural gas has been touted as a clean transition fuel as we move away from coal towards...