Carolyn Ingvarson Honoured

Carolyn Ingvarson – winner of the ACF Peter Rawlinson Conservation Award 2020 We are delighted that our founder and Convenor of over 14 years has been awarded the ACF (Australian Conservation Foundation) ‘Peter Rawlinson Award’ 2020.  Carolyn was...

Report on strategic planning day  Feb 2020

On Sunday afternoon February 15, a small number of us met to hear more about the recently agreed strategic plan for 2020 and to look at how we might begin to work together in actions that would work towards achieving the aims. With the growing situation of the...

A flood of climate letters in the AFR

Congratulations to the dedicated and persistent letter writers who have been featured during the second week of January in the Australian Financial Review! It takes a special person to get up early day after day, scan articles and the news, and respond with wit, grace...