Several of us attended the demonstration outside the high Court in King St this week in support of the case being run by Environment Victoria and others challenging the EPA’s support for the new HRL coal fired/gasfired power station
Below is the EV email on the event 23/10/2011 and links to their website:
Legal Challenge against HRL started today
At 10am this morning, the legal challenge from Environment Victoria, Local’s Into Victoria’s Environment, Doctors for the Environment and individual Mr. Martin Shields against the EPA got underway in earnest.
Thanks to those of you who made it along at lunchtime today to show your support for this challenge by environmental groups. With people coming from Ballarat to Wonthaggi, it was a fun, positive reminder that all parties challenging the EPA approval of HRL on environmental grounds are joined in their actions by supporters from across the Victorian community.
Check out the pics here today >
Thank you also to everyone who has been helping with the petition. We are about half way to the goal of 10,000 hard copy signatures, so please keep ‘em rolling in!
If you would like to keep you up to date with the case as it unfolds over the next four weeks. EV will be writing blogs, facebook and twitter. You can help us build the momentum of this campaign by sharing info and comments about the case online (please tweet using the hashtag #stopHRL).
Get the thrills and spills from today’s proceedings – check out today’s blog from EV’s Safe Climate Campaigner >
Thanks again for your support thus far… and wish us luck!
Josie Lee
Safe Climate Campaigner
Environment Victoria
OFFICE HOURS: 9am-5pm Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
PHONE: (03) 93418118 EMAIL:
RECEPTION: (03) 93418100 FAX: (03) 93418199
STREET ADDRESS: Level 2, 60 Leicester Street Carlton, Victoria 3053
POST: PO Box 12575, A’Beckett Street, Melbourne 8006